Monday, August 18, 2008

Julia likes her new "Groovy Girl" - thank you, Vickie! And thank you again Mom, for the wonderful quilt! Here is Julia modeling the teddy bear outfit sent by her dad's workmates. Pretty cute bear cub!

Mazel Tov!

On Sunday we attended the wedding of Jon Fichter and Molly Silfen, our wear-your-sock-feet-to-dinner neighbors at the Delano. Their ceremony took place under a gorgeous huppah woven with Chinese silks by a friend's mother. According to Jewish tradition, the huppah is a symbol of the home to be created by the newly wedded couple, and Jon told me that the huppah cannot be a permanent structure because it needs to be created en situ by the couple's family and friends. Thinking about our recent move, I am very grateful for the family and friends who carried our huppah from one side of DC to the other to help us create a home where we can nurture our little family. Julia wore a cute pink dress from her great-grandma Boyce (thank you, grandma!) and was on her best behavior, tucked away in the sling. Jason and I even got to dance a few numbers with Julia swingin' in her sling. Speaking of dancing, Jason got to help hoist Jon's chair for the celebration. You can see our happy friends in the middle of the crowd!

Visit from Sarah!

This week we had a wonderful visit from Sarah Benis Scheier-Dolberg, who brought some awesome culinary books for Julia and gentle wisdom and encouragement for Rachel. I am so lucky to have such a devoted friend! Bethany took us all to the Phillips Collection to see the "Migration Series" by Jacob Lawrence. Lawrence painted all 60 works simultaneously, one color at a time, to ensure the unity of the series. Amazing. I also enjoyed an exhibit of Richard Diebenkorn's New Mexico paintings, though of course my favorite two pieces had the only dashes of primary colors in the lot (tan being the dominant theme). I tend to consider myself a "narrative girl" - I'll take Genesis over the prophets, thank you - but I enjoy the challenge to experience color and form without immediately constructing a story. What is the experience of tan? I like to experience my tan with a dash of redemptive blue and red.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Nothing puts Julia to sleep like a long walk, buckled in her car seat in the stroller. Too bad we can't go walking at 3:30 am. Inspired by her aunt Kirsten, Julia assembled her own aviary this week. Sunday afternoon included some reading time with dad and Julia's first piano lesson. Julia was being fussy and I decided to introduce her to the piano. She was completely calm within five measure of Schumann's "Mignon." It was totally amazing. (And I am thrilled that she took so quickly to Schumann - a girl after my own heart!)

Visit from Marshall!

Last Wednesday night we got a special treat - an impromptu visit from Marshall! (Little does he know that we paid United a pretty penny to stall his flight home for 24 hours...) We found Marshall standing on top of a Jersey barrier in the airport pickup lane, grinning and waving his arms wildly. Only Marshall can get away with this in the top-security lockdown at Dulles! Marshall accompanied us to the hospital for Julia's hip ultrasound (verdict: her hips are now good to go) and the radiologist was delighted to have someone present who actually understood all of the anatomical details! No ordinary pre-med student, this Marshall. It was wonderful to have an infusion of Marshall's exuberant and thoughtful spirit in our home. Julia is super lucky to have such a fun uncle!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New use for the Sitz bath

Last night we attempted the fourth installment of bathtime. The past three episodes were traumatic dramas for all involved. Mom encouraged me to try a partially submerged bath, now that Julia's cord has fallen off, rather than submitting her again to the sponge bath. We have never heard Julia scream as loudly as she has during the sponge bath. (Then again, do I like sponge baths??) After another fussy evening, Jason and I weren't sure what to expect, but Julia decided that this was DEFINITELY a better option. Even with the suboptimal bathtub (we tried the as yet unused Sitz bath from the hospital - turns out Julia is way too long for this...we're still figuring out her dimensions!) she was at least intrigued and mellow. We couldn't quite scrub all of her little crevices with her body jammed in that tiny tub, but this was definitely a step in the right direction. Jason is relieved that Julia has potential to be a natural-bodies-of-water playmate...thank heavens!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Julia loves to look at her Mondrian quilt before drifting off for her morning nap. Thanks, Kirsten, for a most amazing work of art!

Julia received her first letter on Friday, from Beckett Baird. Beckett sent Julia a lovely blanket (made by his mom, with fabric selected by dad) and other fun treats. Thank you, Jeanne and Bruce!

Julia has already grown so much in just a few weeks!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sleeping in the sunshine with Grandma Sue

Susan helped Jason solve the Shaker weaving puzzle. Our rocker is almost done!

Julia loves the book "One Red Dot" from her Aunt Kirsten! (So does Jason...)

Grandma Sue and Julia wearing their matching purple outfits

Julia will like this one when she's a teenager!

Jason with his baby girl

Aunt Heather teaches Julia about modern dance

Jason and Heather went to work building a rocker for Julia...

Grandma Joan and Aunt Heather took such good care of us!

Taking our little paratrooper home in her intergenerational Mumford outfit!

Peter and Bethany brought good cheer and healthy (and tasty!) food to us at the hospital, while Joan and Heather packed their bags and came down on the next flight from the North Country to greet little newborn Julia.

Getting down to business: Pictures of our Julia Lena, born on July 13, 2008 at 4:00 a.m.!