Monday, October 27, 2008

New trick!

Today, out of nowhere, Julia decided it was finally time to start lifting herself up on her elbows and rolling over. I couldn't believe it! Normally she fusses during "tummy time" and endures my cheerleading for a while until she feels she's given me enough of a show with a slight head raise. Last week I started rolling her over like a child on a grassy hill, so that she could try something new. Did this trigger something? Who knows. In any case, today was a quantum leap for Julia's physical tricks! I thought it was so fun that I put Julia on her tummy at least ten times in a row and she kept on rolling over. She is also super into "walking" - when she's supported, she'll step all over the place. It's so fun to see how mobile she wants to be!


blogginglife said...

She is an explorer! I love the color in these photos... I can just imagine Julia's wide eyed wonder as she turns herself upside down. That must be hard to figure out!

Emily and Austin Gray said...

That girl has such a gorgeous smile! I can't wait to see her do some of her neat new tricks in person.

Unknown said...

Lights! Camera! Action!