Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New use for the Sitz bath

Last night we attempted the fourth installment of bathtime. The past three episodes were traumatic dramas for all involved. Mom encouraged me to try a partially submerged bath, now that Julia's cord has fallen off, rather than submitting her again to the sponge bath. We have never heard Julia scream as loudly as she has during the sponge bath. (Then again, do I like sponge baths??) After another fussy evening, Jason and I weren't sure what to expect, but Julia decided that this was DEFINITELY a better option. Even with the suboptimal bathtub (we tried the as yet unused Sitz bath from the hospital - turns out Julia is way too long for this...we're still figuring out her dimensions!) she was at least intrigued and mellow. We couldn't quite scrub all of her little crevices with her body jammed in that tiny tub, but this was definitely a step in the right direction. Jason is relieved that Julia has potential to be a natural-bodies-of-water playmate...thank heavens!


Unknown said...

Alright, that's about the cutest thing I've ever seen. I can't wait to meet this little Julia Lena myself! Sending love to you guys, joe.

our corner around the globe said...

Julia is adorable. Congratulations.
Rachel, you look great!
Can't wait to meet baby Julia.