Monday, August 18, 2008

Julia likes her new "Groovy Girl" - thank you, Vickie! And thank you again Mom, for the wonderful quilt! Here is Julia modeling the teddy bear outfit sent by her dad's workmates. Pretty cute bear cub!


The Stevens said...

Hello Rachel, Jason and Julia. This is Melissa Stevens, David's wife. Lois sent us your blog spot via email and I just had to check Julia out. Hope you don't mind. She is so beautiful!!! Are her eyes turing blue or just bright grey? She has such bright eyes! You guys look so happy and I am glad to visited your family site. I hope all is going well and that you are getting some sleep. Take care.....


Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures!I am amazed at how much Julia has grown--and here comes her new cousin Magnus at about this very size. You all look great.

Rach and Todd said...

Rachel - Julia is beautiful! I was so excited to hear that she arrived and everyone is doing great. We miss DC and are grateful to have these blogs to keep up with everyone!

Unknown said...

Hi Rachel,

I was wondering how you are doing and decided to look you up. You appear to have multiplied! Julia is beautiful!!!

Heather Clark